
If you have questions or comments, email the show by filling in the boxes.

If you'd like to share a story, do not send us the story. Instead, write a brief summary of 100 words or less that gives away the high-point of the story. Eg: "My story is about getting robbed and then robbing my robbers." Or: "My story is about a friend who tried to assault me but I beat him up with a coffee maker instead."

Remember, YLGT stories have an element of redemption, and include a significant personal change of some kind. We are not looking for shock value but rather shocking tales of personal triumph. 

Yeah, Let's Go There is a traveling show. We are always on the road in places where internet connection is not guaranteed. We will respond if and when we are able. 

If you don't hear back, feel free to follow up. Some things get lost in the shuffle.

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