We are accepting new artist submissions again!

During the first round, we received so much fantastic material from incredibly talented but unheralded artists we decided, we have to do this again. There are too many talented musicians out there that no one has ever heard of. We want to help spread your music to the masses.

So, now until April 4th, Yeah, Let's Go There will accept submissions from unknown and lesser known artists anywhere in the world. In this round, we are specifically looking for Pop styled music but we will also accept folk, Hip hop, blues, and anything instrumental. Send your submissions by email (YeahLetsGoThere@gmail.com) Twitter, or use our contact page

All submissions must be an original work. You will retain all rights to your submitted works. By submitted your original work to Yeah, Let's Go There (YLGT), you agree to allow YLGT to use your copyrighted material in the YLGT podcast and any subsequent re-broadcasts of YLGT and for the promotion of the YLGT podcast.

All submissions will be reviewed and receive a response. If you don't receive a response by April 8th, please follow up to make sure we received your original submission. 

AuthorJ Russell Mikkelsen